Monday, January 13, 2014

Little Known Black History Fact: The Kings of Kush

The 25th dynasty of Egypt dates back to 746 to 653 BC. This was also the dynasty known as the “Kings of Kush.” The Kingdom of Kush was an ancient African kingdom that flowed along what is now the Republic of Sudan.
The Kings of Kush ruled as Pharaohs and believed that they were the bodily sons of the God Amun. They also worked to reunite the ancient original domain of Amun, with Egypt in the north and Nubia in the south.
The Kings of Kush were held as guardians of the state religion and were responsible for maintaining the houses of the gods. The 25th dynasty was a pivotal period for Renaissance culture in Egypt. Pyramids were constructed along the Nile and the old world style of Egyptian art was restored.  

The Kushite rulers were buried in significantly marked mass graves, outlined with stones. Along with burial practices, the Kushites had adopted many of the known Egyptian practices such as the use of pyramids and adopting the names of Gods for their kingship names.
One of the more well-known kings was King Piya, who ruled from 743 to 712 BC. King Piya ruled Upper Egypt and Nubia from Napata and Thebes. He had declared himself king for all of the land. It was his rule and the rule of a future king, his son, Taharqa, who brought the Meroitic script style of writing to Egypt along with large amounts of prosperity.
The Kingdom of Kush may have been ruled under a “Robinhood” concept; the extra produce collected from the people would be redistributed, or everyone lived off the land. In history, the Kushite capital was eventually captured in battle and burnt to the ground in 1st century AD by the Roman province of Egypt.

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