Tuesday, June 18, 2013

We our own liberators - Jalil Muntaqim

My machete is adorned, draped in red and green, sharpened with the blood of a patriot whose life beckons. Viejo, I hear you from a distant land, your words of liberation, freedom and independence cut the wind of tyranny, the howling ravishing wolves of the U.S. neo-colonialism and exploitation. The ancestors speak through you on this 137th anniversary of El Grito de Lares, telling our youth NOW is the time to restore and rebuild our nation. Their echoes reverberate into chords of African drums and coquitos "Libertad, Libertad, Libertad, Libertad, Libertad" We will not forgive or forget! We will heed the call! We will champion the Patriots! We will free our nation. For our machetes are adorned, draped in red and green, sharpened with the blood of a patriot whose life beckons. “Scream Black: Why must I scream to be heard? Ellison claims I am an Invisible Man, not to be seen in centers of power, allowing recognition of tokens as a coin of exchange to represent my personal and political selves. Wilderson claims I am Incognegro, to be seen and not heard, towing the line of assimilation and cultural annihilation even in my rebelliousness. Ergo, my words must become bombs in a vest strapped on my aged aching consciousness to blow away the alleged eccentricity of my existence? The blackness of my vocabulary must refuse to hide your racism, an inconceivable miscarriage ill-form abortion of humanity. No longer capable or willing to whisper, rather charge genocides from atop mounting graves of those who came before me – Nat, Marcus, Muhammad, Malcolm, Medger Martin and finally in full circle, Newton in self-defense. Spewing molten volcanic ash of revolutionary ideas, casting pregnant black clouds of notions, castigating institutionalized white supremacy, bursting antacid rain and drenching my descendants, inoculating them from your emasculating dehumanization. Why must I scream to be heard? To call for Black men to stop gagging and choking on their silence, to spit from the pit of their sour stomachs, to together end the slow death of internecine urban fratricide and genocidal incarceration screaming for liberation an reparations
You need not atone, you need only to explode, reclaiming your souls. Then, all else will come easy! Remember: We Are Our Own Liberators!” Jalil Muntaqim calls on the Black progressive forces in “A challenge to the Black Bourgeoisie” to take the lead in building national campaigns and mobilizations within a popular civil and human rights movement. “The struggle for the preservation and restoration of democratic and civil-rights must evolve towards a struggle for human rights, which in turn will take the class struggle for national unity toward the final and complete destruction of corporate-capitalist class exploitation and racist imperialist neo-colonial oppression.” http://www.politicalmediareview.org/2011/01/we-are-our-own-liberators-select-writings-by-jalil-muntaqim/

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